
How convert html to html5
How convert html to html5

how convert html to html5

The Link refers to file type of text/css and it points to a stylesheet of file style.css. Number 3 describes the Link and Script Tags. HTML 5 version of this meta tag will look like "". Here also HTML makes it simple by shedding few attributes. Number 2 describes the Character Encoding in the Meta Tag. Pretty easy and no need for me to copy and paste. In HTML5 the Doctype loses it's lot of weight and it is replaced by the words "". Here in this example we are using HTML 4 which is publicly available also the HTML markup is written in English and it points to the standards location at "" This definition helps the browser in rendering the page correctly by following the right HTML standards and this points to a file that identifies this standard. I remember pasting this definition very often from my previous pages whenever I try to create a new HTML page. If you try to validate a HTML page without mentioning the Doctype, the HTML Validator will show an error. We can always spot this at the very beginning of each HTML page. Here, I have marked 1, 2, & 3 which are the lines of codes that we will be modifying in order to make this file HTML 5 complaint.

how convert html to html5

HTML 4 Sample Page Comparing HTML5 Page with Older HTML PageĪbove image is a simple static page with only the very basic code to form a page. To be more precise, let's have a look at the sample HTML file which was written with HTML 4.01. Just you need to modify or change a few lines of your old HTML code. Since HTML5 is out, as a web developer, our next best thing is to convert our old HTML pages into new HTML5 pages to stay up-to-date. How to convert an old HTML page to HTML5 page?

How convert html to html5